Bheemashankar Guled, Bheemashankar S Guled Guides To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19

About karnataka IPS Officer Bheemashankar Guled

ips officer bheemashankar guled

Bheemashankar s Guled, born in 1986 at Gulbarga (Karnataka) in Hindu (South Indian Brahmin) family. He had joined medical collage for the MBBS. After completing MBBS he could be medical graduate but he decided to explore his ideas in civil services. Later he decided to prepare for UPSC, in which initially he made 3 unsuccessful attempt. Bheemashankar Guled became IPS in his forth try of test. His quest for crime Free State and all the good qualities of a humanitarian began with journey from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA), a premier police training institution in India. The institute trains Indian Police Service (IPS) officers before he was sent to his state cadre to carry out duties. After this, he was ASP for davengere for 6 months, then he was posted as SP for Davanagere. Later he held a post as SP Raliways, after which he was posted as SP for Rural Bangalore. Presently, he holds as DCP for northeast, urban Bangalore.

Bheemashankar married with Somaya Bhatt. Later he was blessed with 02 daughters. He is presently serving the nation in Kormangala, Bangalore.
BheemashankarGuled believes in the thinking that there are opportunities in every walk of life and everyone have been enough blessed to understand their true calling. Which is why he chose to serve society. You would be amazed to discover just how quickly certain beliefs can change the way and our lifestyle and well, the answer is rather simple one. Bheemashankar s Guled played a very important role in the formula of pro-poor policies it is those beliefs and values he had cultivated over the years. There is always been an important role of his parents on his life. These polices changes initiated by Bheemashankar s Guled were later executed by the authorities at the police department and Bheemashankar s Guled was highly praised for his innovate thinking. Bheemashankar s Guled says that this is a kind of career that’s ever demanding and gives him a high job satisfaction. He also thinks that this profession not only just provides you with all the self-satisfaction but additionally provides the opportunity to show how one can improve and reflect on peoples life. Bheemashankar s Guled also believes that this career is physiologically very demanding and one needs to prepare mentally as well as physically for his profession.

Bheemashankar Guled Guides To Prevent The Spread Of Covid-19

bheemashankar guled guides to prevent covid 19

In recent events, on the covid 19, he had requested his staff to follow the below measures: 

“To prevent the spread of COVID-19:

Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.

Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

Stay home if you feel unwell.

If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.

Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.”

He also addressed our volunteers at yelahanka Newtown police station yesterday during medical checkup camp which held at the station. A tweet read: “Thank you so much for your motivation sir @Ylkntbcp @DCPNEBCP @CPBlr @mani1972ias”. With so many good deeds, everyone wishes him all the happiness and desire that he can make a change in the society. 
